New businesses in Ostrava city centre

New and upcoming businesses in the Ostrava city center at the winter 2018.

Česká verze: Nové podniky v centru Ostravy

Potrefená Husa Masarykovo náměstí

Not really a new business: Potrefená Husa moves from its original location on Stodolní into the Laso department store on Masarykovo náměstí.

FB Potrefená Husa Ostrava

Little Vietnam

Little Vietnam is a new vietnamese bistro at Msgr. Šrámka 1683/6.

FB Little Vietnam

Fasta Pasta

Fasta Pasta, a new bistro specializing in spaghetti, opens at Čs. Legií 6.

FB Fasta Pasta

Bez Obalu

A shop specializing in the sale of package free food and drugstore products is moving from Vítkovice to Tyršova 20 is opening today.

FB Bez obalu Ostrava


This company offers many variations of waffles. Originally it resided a stand at Forum Nová Karolina, recently it moved to Nádražní 1436/35.

FB WaffleBerry

Beer´s No.1

New enterprise in the Stodolní area (more precisely Škroupova 6) offering beer of more than 100 kinds.

FB Beer´s No.1


HokusPokus is a new wine bar also residing Škroupova 1114/4.

FB: Hokuspokus winebar&tapas

Coloseum Ostrava – grill & pizza – Masarykovo náměstí

In addition to Potrefená Husa, Coloseum Ostrava – grill & pizza restaurant opened its door. The restaurant on the square (Masarykovo náměstí) offers 164 seats, a children’s playroom, a lounge, a wine shop and a fresh food store.

FB: Coloseum Ostrava – grill & pizza

Floristka Iva Kepáková

The florist Iva Kepáková with her atelier moves to the ground floor on Poštovní street. You can read more here.

Kytky od Handuly

The company offers not only cut and decorative flowers, but also recent trends such as kokedama. This small business is located at Čs. Legií 2820/3.

FB Kytky od Handuly

Faency Fries

A favorite French fries place moved from Přívozská to Čs. Legií 5.


A new selling art gallery was launched at Antonína Macka 1711.

A company offering interior accessories emerged on pedestrian zone of 28. října.  

A new hairdresser’s was launched at Macharova 17.

The article follows up the previous reports, see hashtag #podniky (always below the title), or the related articles…

Apart from the exceptions we are trying to survey the area of the historical center of Ostrava. Should you know about other emerging businesses or you are possibly about to open a new one, let us know via the contact form or write into comments.

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