New businesses in Ostrava city center

New businesses in Ostrava city center.

Křupavý Frank

The new bistro was built next to the popular club Dock. The menu offers crispy focaccia in several ways. Basic „pizza style“ and more sophisticated stuffed sandwiches. Secondly, you can enjoy a delicious artisan scoop ice cream from Brno Na Zmrzlinu. Of course, gluten-free cones are also available.


The new coworking centre was opened on the corner of Pivovarská and Střelniční streets. In addition to the usual workspace, you can also rent a room for recording a podcast or a studio. Various cultural events are also held here.

FB Hnízdo Osrava

Royal Candy

The new business on Puchmajerova Street was opened by a war refugee from Ukraine who had to leave her country during the violent invasion of Russia. The business will focus on a variety of pastries and cakes.

Instagram – Royal Candy


The first Korean hotdogs in Ostrava opened at 1811/18 Jurečkova Street.The concept of Korean hotdogs is a sausage wrapped in batter with a large amount of cheese inside.

Source: FB Jíme v Ostravě

One of the new businesses currently in the process is being built at the corner of Českobratrská and Chelčického streets. Originally, the Baník pub was located here.

The article follows up the previous reports, see hashtag #podniky (always below the title), or the related articles…

Apart from the exceptions we are trying to survey the area of the historical center of Ostrava. Should you know about other emerging businesses or you are possibly about to open a new one, let us know via the contact form or write into comments.

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